Well… I have heard more than many times (pardon my grammar) that the worst Software are Microsoft products. I have met a lot of open source enthusiasts (you can spot them easily – they will be wearing a tee-shirt with a penguin in the back) with intelligent remarks such as IBM has open-sourced its computers. They neither know exactly the economics of open source nor the difference between open source and open systems. But they have been very successful in propagating that Microsoft is the worst software to work with.
Result? Most of them don’t find any alternatives but still stick with Microsoft but keep complaining that Windows is designed solely for the purpose of hanging. Sometimes you can’t control yourself when they complain Windows after accidentally switching off the power button. What would you do when someone complains Microsoft for UPS problem or DVD drive getting struck? Most of them are not that naïve but they do complain Microsoft for some third party software hanging. Well… There was a time when Microsoft was debugging even third party software to avoid these complaints but now they don’t have the band-width or a marketing reason to do so.
What am I driving here? Open source could seem more reliable due to variety of reasons but all I am saying is Microsoft, recruiting the top talent in the world, is not aiming at providing the worst software. May be, the parameters you use in judging Microsoft are not the parameters Microsoft is trying to satisfy. Remember … Microsoft is not developing products for programmers but it develops for common men. Now judge Microsoft with such parameters like user friendliness, marketing etc … You will understand what they are trying to achieve …
Having said that … Microsoft does have some handicaps and is really a bad guy in some situations, which I will write about on some other day… Till then … Hail Microsoft …
It is not because M$ makes buggy software that people hate it. People always hate the "powerful". M$ has proved to be extremely powerful in the desktop world. Imagine the penetration of computers in India without MS windows. Yeah there are pros and cons of monopoly... but I have come across some of the exceptional M$ products and I give full credit to M$ for that. It is also true that many of its products are buggy but so is true for even open-source software. The worst thing is that open-source model is not viable to earn cash.. and it has proved to be unsuccessful in most cases except few cases (like O'Rielly which is a success)....I use to hate M$ from techie point of view... but now i have beginning to realise the importance of what M$ did to the entire world... Imagine with M$ windows we might have been running same old command line stuff which only a techie could comprehend.... Linux was successful because of M$ (If there is no competition it would not have where it is now)...
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